Friday, September 21, 2012


By John W. Vander Velden


Some years ago a bird of brilliant yellow and purest black would spend hours at the window.  Fierce and fearless it attacked the glass with beak and claw.  As we watched this spectacle day after day it seemed this goldfinch fought to protect his territory.  It did not matter that the threat was no more than his own reflection, he was determined in his quest.  It would be easy to smile and consider the actions of that bird ridiculous, but examining myself I wonder.  As I forge ahead are there not times when I battle little more than my own reflection.  For often I see fear…fear of loss…fear of failure…as I strive to defend my territory, scratching invisible barriers that in truth do not exist, fighting ghosts real only within my imagination.  Am I so different than a small bird of yellow and black?

(147 Words)

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