Friday, January 28, 2022

Temporary Tresures


Temporary Treasures


By John W. Vander Velden


Some time ago I had a friend ask one of the big questions. Why does God allow the people we care about die? Surely that question has passed through all our minds at one time or another. Each faces loss in our own way, but it is certain, for those of us that have rode this earth around the sun more time that we care to consider, that loss, and dealing with it, is part of our history. Looking back I too have been separated from some of those closest to me.

I have not blamed God for those separations from those I have loved and lost, but understand the mindset of those that might. The God I know does not pluck people out as they go about their day. God does not manipulate the universe in order to call certain people home.

No, the God I know loves me.

But God has given us free will, the ability to make our own choices. It is a grand gift, perhaps the grandest gift we have been given. But with that gift comes an immense responsibility. And though we are free to choose, each choice we make carries results. Good choices end up leading to good results, in general. Bad choices…not so much. Terrible choices can lead to catastrophe.

Often we are our own worst enemy.

And yet we wonder about those that seem to be taken too soon. The pain of loss is real for those that care. It is the price of empathy. So let us look at this equation for the other side.

As a human with human connections, I would not give up any of these connections in order to eliminate the pain of the possible loss. So Looking from this angle I consider the people of my life, especially those most dear, as temporary treasures.

The value that each of us place upon those treasures varies by how dear we hold them. But no matter how rare, how special, those we love may be, there will be the time when we will be separated. Perhaps, to some, it might seem morbid to recognize that all of us must deal with the mortality of the human condition. But none of us have been allotted an infinite period to spend within this shell that carries us about.

We are born.

We move about our lives while making building relationships with others.

Over time we may be dependent upon any number of them…become especially fond of some. And then, sooner or later, our time upon this planet will end.

Shouldn’t we, while we breathe, recognize that the ones we love most are indeed treasures loaned to us for a period of time? Should we not be grateful for their presence in our lives? Shouldn’t we thank God for each and every one of these temporary treasures with which He has blessed us?

That mindset does not eliminate the pain of loss. It doesn’t mean that when we are mired within the darkness of personal pain, we will not have questions.

Questions of timing.

Question of reasons when reasons are beyond our comprehension.

Questions about what we see as the unfairness of life.

Questions of why.

God doesn’t mind the questions, for God is always near enough to hear them when we ask.

But sometimes when our heart has been shattered, we face the Master of the Universe with our rage…our bitterness. God stands before us then as well. To absorb the anger we, in our pain, spew. Hopefully, with time, we will hear when God reminds us that it was He that gave us these treasures in the first place, to hold near during those times we needed them most.

Treasures that cared for us when we could not care for ourselves.

Treasures that dried our tears.

Treasures that taught and guided us as we grew.

Treasures that shared the most important moments of our lives.

God has provided us those treasures most rare, for a moment…or years…but not forever.

Those treasures have made us richer.

By the same token, should not we see ourselves by this new perspective? Hopefully each of us is, by our existence, a treasure to others…or should be. A finite treasure…a temporary treasure.

(710 Words) 7-2021



Friday, January 14, 2022

Night Walk


Night Walk        1-26-2012

By John W. Vander Velden

He crossed the street not certain where he might go.  The rain drops silver beneath the street lamps, splashing new puddles in the street.  Joe’s head uncovered, hair hanging wet, water flowing into his eyes along his cheeks down his neck, cold…wet…soaking…miserable.  Yet he continued moving the direction he faced, confused…lost…in his home town.  It didn’t matter where he went…only he could not go home…not yet…maybe never.  His mind raced, scarcely noticing the chill or the places his feet carried.  How had he come to this place?  The place that home seemed off limits.  How could things change so quickly?  Two hours…only two hours…the time he had left…the time he had walked…the time he had been drenched.  Joe should go somewhere dry but the hour gave few choices.  He should find a safe place…a dry place.  Home came to mind.  That was impossible…now….


(151 Words)

Saturday, January 8, 2022

First Morning


First Morning

By John W. Vander Velden

Parents creeping, peering – silently the small bundle sleeps.  Though so many concerns fill their minds.  Though far too little sleep their reward, awe and joy all they feel now.  Before a house where two lived, now a home -- a family.   Smiles and tears shared.  Hopes and fears shared.  There will be time enough for future’s concerns.  There will be time enough for bumps and bruises cries.  There will be time enough for feelings of inadequacy and self doubt.  The old world, eons have past, with generations innumerable, yet certain no others have felt as they.  Close side by side, breathless they observe wonder beyond wonder, in the dimness, the day’s first light slipping past curtains drawn, the only illumination.  The blanket rises ever so slightly, falling again with rhythmic precision.  Now is the moment -- the time best remembered -- the first morning.


(139 Words)

Saturday, January 1, 2022

To Step Lively Toward Tomorrow


To Step Lively Toward Tomorrow

By John W. Vander Velden

And so I begin another year.

I look forward to this brand new year, knowing I must change the calendar. But it is my hope that I change more than just a set of pages hung on the wall, replace more than sheets of numbers used on those fresh pages, twelve sheets that represent all the possibilities 2023 will present.

Each of us has our own opinion of the year just completed. Most are pleased to see 2021 in their wake, and though I might agree, for in many ways it was a difficult year, a painful one, I catch my breath and say each year I have lived has had its share of dark days. Yes, 2021 was our second year underneath the heavy wings of COVID-19. Yes, the year contained the loss of those we loved. Yes, there were times we struggled to find things we wanted or needed to purchase. Yes, there were so many things that could have been better. But even as I dwell on those thoughts, I understand things could have been much worse.

For God had given me 365 days, what had been a fresh sheet only a year ago. And among those days were magical experiences as well. There have been sunny days among the overcast. Times of laughter among the tears. I consider all that I have done. I had the opportunity to see things, go places, meet people. Do I ignore those things while wallowing in what could not be or what I wanted but could not have?

To do so would dilute the wonders of my life. It is for me therefore to remain optimistic in a world that only emphasizes the negative. Not that optimism comes easy. Not that optimism is my natural reaction. But because God gives me a new year, and it is an incredible gift, and to focus on what might seem dark while ignoring the light, does not pay the giver the complement He deserves.

So I, like you, have been given a new year, and though God does not promise me that I will see 2023, before me I focus on the chances and opportunities each day gives. The hours not to be mired in the muck of what ifs, rather I will grasp hold as firmly as I am able the tasks presented, and use what strength remains, for though I am no longer in my youth, there is yet strength in this man, and I use that strength to move forward each day.

So on this day, made special by mere mortals, a day I have decided begins a new chapter, let me march forward, with eyes wide open. But always remembering that life gives good times and times that I will feel in the end were not so good. I march forward hopefully having learned lessons from the year and years I have lived. That on those lessons I am able to stand taller and step lively toward tomorrow. For there are things that I need to do...

And so do you!

May God bless 2022...


(516 Words) 1-1-2022