Friday, April 30, 2021

Sun, Water, and Soil


Sun, Water, and Soil

By John W. Vander Velden


Any farmer will tell you that all plants need three things to thrive...The right amount of sunshine, sufficient water, and good soil.

It is not so different for each of us. We grow stronger bathed by the light of God’s love. Nourished by caring family and friends, and planted in a place we will always feel safe, a place called home.

We all need...sun...water...and soil.

The fortunate have been blessed with an abundance of these three things, but sadly it is not a situation that describes everyone’s life. Too many face shattered homes and abandonment. Too many are denied a place that feels safe. Too many are cut off from or not loved by family. And sadly too many never have learned about the warmth of God...his love for them...his nearness to them...the hope that only God can give.

There is a question each of should ask ourselves.

How can they possibly thrive for they are not provided with the three things each of us must have...sun...water...soil?

(173 Words) 3-16-2021

Thursday, April 22, 2021

April Open Spaces Vol. 21.4


Open Spaces

Vol. 21.4

April 24, 2021


April showers bring May flowers is a phrase we have heard since our grade school days. There are so many ways to interpret those five words. Of course we, as children, took the phrase literally, perhaps we still do. And it, in of itself, is accurate. Early spring rains are needed for the glory of the season to arrive. But if I were to look deeper, I can see that those five words are important guides for other seasons, for other situations.

I can imagine a child yearning to play outdoors. The cold bitter days of winter are behind and warmer temperatures are coming. Yet this child stares out the rain streaked window feeling trapped indoors, unable to run barefoot in the greening grass, longing for the full spring to arrive.

The springtime of that child’s dreams.

For winter’s snow might have been glorious in December and January, but by mid-February the gray days and frozen fingers had lost most of their appeal. March came and it brought the promise of a long winter’s ending, and April, well it excites with its promises.

Yet now this child feels trapped by...the rains of April.

So I will remind us all of what I see as a deeper meaning of April showers bring May flowers. We are to be patient for grander things are coming. For each of us have faced, and many of you are continuing to face, times of stress, times of disappointment, times of pain. It is easy to believe that those rainy day times will never end. That the flowers will not bloom, that the May of our lives will never arrive.

Do not be discouraged.

Have faith that God has something better than dark rainy April days ahead for you. Sunny times of May might seem far off but it draws nearer with each day. Courage friends...and patience too, yet have confidence, for it is coming.

So what has this writer been doing these April days? There always are many things that demand my attention. The lawn for one. The lawns I care for had become quite lush and a little too tall when I hacked them back the first time last week. I also spent some time cleaning up the farm yard following the tree trimmers earlier in the month. Life goes on. Now that Jackie and I are fully vaccinated we had intended to drive south and visit Nick this April. Changes in Jackie’s work requirements at the pharmacy have pushed those plans back a bit. How far back remains unknown. Of course, when I can, I sit down at THIS keyboard and tap out words strung together. The revision of the third book in the Misty Creek Series continues. Hope to have some time to work on that project when I finish this one. You can see I do not have to deal with boredom considering the projects on my list.

I’m nearing 500 words on this newsletter so I will wrap things up.

It is our hope that your April was a GREAT month, and that you look forward to May and all the colors of spring it will bring. That God has kept you safe and well and will continue to do so until we have the opportunity to meet.

Take care,

God bless you and your family,
