Saturday, March 2, 2024

Night Walk


Night Walk        1-26-2012

By John W. Vander Velden

He crossed the street not certain where he might go.  The rain drops silver beneath the street lamps, splashing new puddles in the street.  Joe’s head uncovered, hair hanging wet, water flowing into his eyes along his cheeks down his neck, cold…wet…soaking…miserable.  Yet he continued moving the direction he faced, confused…lost…in his home town.  It didn’t matter where he went…only he could not go home…not yet…maybe never.  His mind raced, scarcely noticing the chill or the places his feet carried.  How had he come to this place?  The place that home seemed off limits.  How could things change so quickly?  Two hours…only two hours…the time he had left…the time he had walked…the time he had been drenched.  Joe should go somewhere dry but the hour gave few choices.  He should find a safe place…a dry place.  Home came to mind.  That was impossible…now….


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