Too often we feel limited unsure of ourselves locked into our present reality…fearing to see…fearing to try.We doubt the possibilities that seem over the horizon…out of sight…certainly beyond reach.To strive, foolish.Why we would wish to venture, a journey surely doomed to failure.Yet we all have dreams.Many kept hidden away safe, we feel, from the laughter and criticism of others.Our limitations, perceived or keenly emphasized, prevent even the smallest attempt.Dreams are just that…dreams! The real world has no place for them or the mad that pursue.But dreams are achievements not yet reached, the fuel that drives the future, give purpose for living.Dreams…stretch us…lift us above the mire of mediocrity…propel us, step by step to new achievements.Around us few understand, fear their only commodity.The world views dreams, a luxury reserved for those of grander circumstance or the gifted few, view dreamers as those touched by insanity.Yet without dreamers would we not yet dwell in caves.Has not history shown that each step the race has progressed, a dream pursued, leading to new possibilities visualized.Now is the time to believe…to create…to dream.Dreams demand effort…expects faith…needs confidence.Many small steps can move toward lofty goals.Falling teaches…rejection strengthens…failure is no ending!!!Have courage friends…and dream…purse with confidence and determination.It is time…time to dream!!!