Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Broken Teacup

A Broken Teacup                            

By John W. Vander Velden

If you searched the cupboard of a woman I once knew, you would find at least one broken teacup, standing unused in the far reaches behind all the unblemished.  Once I drew out a bit of china examined how it had been carefully reassembled, the yellowed glue the only sign of its repair.  “This cup is beautiful, why don’t you use it?”

“It’s broken,” the only response.  And I wondered why she had gone to the labor of putting it together, piece by piece.

In life every person faces blows, physical, emotional, spiritual.  On occasions most of us find ourselves unable to withstand the force of the impact we must face.  Things bend us, things at last, break us.  For, though few would acknowledge, we are as delicate as bone china.

I am a broken teacup, shattered by trials and pains of life.  My pieces have been scattered, laid out, but never lost.  Mended over time, none can see the fractures, few know they exist.

But I do not find myself upon the shelf, not yet anyway.  For my God places me among others, which seem pristine, upon the table.  Through my tears I say. “I am broken and ugly.”

And God responds, “I have gathered all your pieces, the small as well as the large.  I have bound them together and have made you whole again.  Broken time and time again but mended by My hand.  There is yet much you can do.”

Through my breaking and repairs and in my truthful examination of each chip and crack, my compassion for others grows.  I have been mended…and yes, there is much I can do, for my task remains incomplete.  So I say, “Fill me Lord.”

You see…I am a broken teacup…perhaps you are as well.

(299 Words)                12-24-2015  



  1. Well written, John. I, too, am a broken teacup. but I have recovered compassion.

    1. Thank u,it talks to me.Im gratefull

  2. This is beautiful... I am a broken teacup that has been patched together with love and mercy. Thank you!!

  3. Indeed... broken but complete only by His Grace.

  4. Sometimes I wonder how many times my broken teacup can be mended. Thank God for His wonderful mercy and grace! Oh to be perfectly mended when we shall see Him face to face!

    1. Absolutely Amen. Truth is beautiful because it sets us free! Praise The Lord.

    2. That was just beautiful, thank you🙏

  5. I am also a broken tea cup saved by God's grace and mercy.

  6. Wow very beautiful thanks for sharing God bless

  7. Thank you for kind words. As a writer I find it fortunate when inspiration reaches deep enough and I become bold enough to reveal personal truths within my words. Again I wish to show my gratefulness to you and others that have taken brief moments out of their busy lives to read my blog. Blessings, John

    1. John, I enjoyed your story. I will be holding a tea later this year and would love to share this. Is there a copy right? Please let me know what I need to do

    2. Please feel free to do so. I only ask that you give your audience my name as acknowledement of my authorship. I so appreciate that you have reached out. I am always thrilled when my swords touch readers. Thank you.

    3. A few of us ladies hosted a beautiful ladies tea today on Mother's Day for 32 ladies in our park. I read the Tea Cup Story. We will be hosting another in November and would love to read your story. I will be sure to let the ladies know that you are it's author. Thanks for posting it.

    4. Love this very encouraging piece!!!

    5. I needed to read this today ! We are all broken by things and people in our lives , but Grace covers us all like that glue and Jesus is his name . Thanks for sharing your grace in words that binds us! And heals with love.

    6. Love this story. We are all broken. At some point in time. But God mends our broken pieces. Amen

  8. A wonderful piece. Beautiful perspective too.

  9. I had been a broken cup,wondering what to do and pitying my only body,but i have hope,i have faith,strong faith that my lord of mercy will fixe me back..haleluya 🙏

  10. Thank you so much for this wonderfull inspirational true story. Eye opener to see for me and ears to hear. God bless you. and your family

  11. Thank you for this beautiful piece. I needed to hear this today. God bless.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to leave a few precious words. Each of us has been broken by life. Yet with time and God's help there is a way to recover. God bless you today and every day.

  12. Am a work in progress broken cup of tea

  13. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I'm sure we can all identify.
    Peace, Love and Hugs to all.

    1. I am grateful that you took the time to comment.
      Thank you,

  14. This has brought tears to my eyes...remembering scars God has mended for me. God is Love....

  15. Hello John, our Ladies church group meet this month. We planned a tea, so for my devotion, I based it on your story.

  16. Love this ! Broken many times but mended by God's grace ! Would like to use this having a womans tea Broken tea cup

  17. Please feel free to use this essay. I only ask that I am identified as the author.
    John W. Vander Velden

  18. This was such a beautiful read . Thank you

    1. You are so welcome and thank you for your kind words.

  19. In JAPAN broken cups are mended TOGETHER with gold n silver ñ made WHOLE Ñ's called KINTSUGI......broken ñ wounded people too likewise can be put TOGETHER by OUR CRAFTSMAN OUR CREATOR... our pain is a GIFT....surrender to GOD....HE IS MERCIFUL Ñ won't fail us...

  20. John what a beautiful way to tell the story of our broken lives. I'm an officer of the Salvation Army, and have a women ministry which will enjoy this reading. Thanks for excellent piece!

    1. I am deeply touched by your kind words. Please feel free to share these words. I only ask that I am given recognition as to being its author. Thank you for reaching out. John

  21. Beautiful words John. I, too would love to read this to a Tea Ministry I am praying to start. Will definitely give your name as Author. Thank you…

    1. Thank you for your kindness. The words came to me from somewhere deep within me. I believe strongly in the gift of inspirations that arrive from somewhere beyond myself, bound to events of my own life's journey in ways unexplainable. God has carried me for more than 71 years, and with each passing day I become even more aware of my failings and falls. Yet He has ,and is, always near. It is in our brokenness we grow stronger. My prayers for your Tea Ministry. Blessings, John

  22. John, your words are so beautifully written, with your permission I would like to share them with our Emmaus Community gathering Monday night. I too am a broken tea cup, many times over, God has picked up my pieces and put me back together so many times it's unimaginable for a human, but I'm not giving up on God and I know he's not giving up on me.

    1. Of course I give you my blessing, I only ask that you give proper author's acknowledgment. I am deeply touched that you find my feeble words worthy.

  23. It is through our brokenness we are made strong knowing we serve an awesome GOD, our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ ❤️

  24. I did read your heart, very true, indeed! Sometimes in my life, it feels, I die a 1000 deaths!!! But everytime, in God's grace, He mend me and I can feel hole again. Thank you so much for you understand the broken teacup! Love you.

  25. Very encouraging for all women; we all need to know that the “the Potter wants to put us back together again “

  26. Awww John, you've outdone yourself with this one. Thank you

  27. I'm so glad Jesus doesn't throw the clay away

    1. The God that made us, and His Son that saves us, provides a continuing purpose. May you feel wrapped within His loving arms.

  28. I am leading a bible study and will be using your Broken cup story. I will tell them you wrote it. This is such a blessing! Thank God for you!! May you be richly blessed!!

  29. It is my hope and prayer that my humble words are in some small way beneficial. Thank you for reaching out.

  30. Amen 🙏 I too am a broken tea cup and God is putting me back together because God has work for me to do. I Praise God for his Grace and Mercy over my life

  31. We are all broken. And saved by God's Grace and Mercy. Thank you Jesus

  32. Blessed by your story. Another broken cup mended by God’s grace. Yes God has special work to do for broken cups as He makes them stronger than before. Praise God!

  33. I am a very broken teacup. I lost my husband seven months ago. I am still so broken and continue to break daily. I know that the Lord can put me back together and I know that he will. I’m trying to be patient, for I have a long way to go before I would be mended. It may not be until I see my beloved in heaven,

    1. For during our lives we all find ourselves broken, beaten down, and at times unable to recognize who we were. Loss is a knife that wounds deeply. In some ways those wounds do not completely heal. It is my hope that, with time, you find a way to live in spite of the unwanted hole in your life. That you come to understand that love is the binding that can never be broken. To know that there is a place within your heart where your husband yet lives...will always live. The memories will carry you when are certain nothing can. And the love you have known, and the love you yet have around you, can become the glue to hold your broken pieces together once more.
