Lazy Day
By John W. Vander Velden
Have you ever woken to the feeling that, though the whole world demands attention, it was a lazy day?
After months of hurrying along, prodded by the things that vitally need immediate attention, that one day, a day to just stop…might be deserved.
More than deserved, perhaps necessary to maintain the sanity required to pick up the load and charge once more.
Is life so much more hectic than or memories of days gone by, or do we make it so?
Surrounded by thousands of bits of technology, time savers we are told; yet that savings account remains overdrawn.
Life tugs continuously.
A cell phones means we are never out of reach.
Text messages find us no matter where we are.
In so many ways our time is demanded, as we hurry along the twisted road of our lives.
We reach day’s end not certain we have gained any ground whatsoever.
Knowing that tomorrow, in the maze once again, we hurry around new obstacles often unseen until we crash headlong in our haste.
It is good to be optimistic, to believe that solutions lie just beyond the next bend.
Hard work necessary, achievements possible.
Certainly others need our time and effort.
We do not deny, and we give our best.
So days rush by January suddenly becomes May and September but a blink behind.
Looking back, if we have the time, certain the year count flawed the number impossible.
Worthy perhaps but no “gold watch” gifted as we continue scurrying onward wondering when task’s demands fulfilled.
Is it wrong, for those of us past life’s mid, that we should find a few minutes or hours to step back and regroup? Others might call it just being lazy. But to those that have “paid our dues” and continue, time outside the “cooker”…earned! Now as we race onward, a gear or two slower than years past, time needed to catch our breath, to clear our heads, and to rest our bones. Today might seem a lazy day…but in truth it is anything but!
(343 Words)
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