What Became of the Child? May 31, 2013
By John W. Vander Velden
What became of
the child I knew? Surely time’s passing
insufficient…could it be I have missed the years? For a disconnect exists between my eyes and
heart…what I see and what I feel. I am
unable to fully accept the truth known, wishing to hold the small hand once
more. Where are the tiny fingers that
assembled blocks into new creations…that pushed trucks and trains across the
What became of
the child that walked on unsteady legs…grinning at the achievement…the one with
fearful hands gripping the handlebars, while I ran alongside? Now with keys in his hand, he moves about far
and wide. I wish him safety as he
ventures out, knowing the dangers all around, and say a prayer for his
protection. With eyes on the clock, my
ears listening for the first sounds that ease my heart at last.
What became of
the child that I drove to school…to classes and extracurricular
requirements? The waist high boy
standing among others, waiting impatiently for each day to end. When did he merit the gown and
mortarboard? Standing among his peers,
yet apart, for I see no others. Surely
my heart swells with pride as I see this young man…all his accomplishments…his
awards…the world that lays before him, awaiting his conquest…yet part of me
wonders. What became of the child?
(308 Words)