By John W. Vander Velden
A “hill of beans” is not a pile of soybeans of some consequence. No, the term refers to a mound of soil where
perhaps four or five beans would be planted.
That was a “hill of beans”. And
though I did not know that exact meaning at the time I understood – lack of
Then there was my other teacher. Let’s call that one Teacher B. Teacher B made us work harder than the
other. But he also made learning
fun. Yes, he had become frustrated with
the same student that drew physical violence from Teacher A, but handled the situation very differently. He gave the student extra work at each
infraction. Teacher B never had the need to lay a hand on any of us. But some months after Teacher A had branded me worthless, Teacher B took me into the hallway.
I will remember that time for all my life. He showed me one of my examinations and
explained how if I wrote a bit better, my grades would certainly improve. For he told me I was bright, and he would, by
error, mark my papers because he could not make out that I had entered the
correct response.
Strange isn’t it – how one moment – one comment can
change a person. Growing up we had moved
about and I had not really felt that I belonged at the school I found myself in
then. But my grades did improve. I graduated in the top quarter of my high
school class, while taking the most difficult courses available. Later I would graduate from the university
with distinction.
Did I do these things to prove Teacher A wrong? I don’t
think so. Did I achieve that level of
excellence to please Teacher B? Perhaps.
But I think the most important thing that happened in that hallway, so
many years ago, was that I had a teacher tell me he thought I had potential -- a
potential I did not know I possessed.
So what is the bottom line? No one, not a teacher, parent or siblings,
not fellow students or coworkers, not your friends and especially not your
enemies, have the right to define who you are and what you will become. For each of us has grand potential and with
hard work and determination anything we set our sights upon, need not be beyond our
reach. It is for each of us to find that
spark that makes us unique. To use that
spark to build a light that carries us to all that we can be.
Do not let someone define you. Only GOD knows your heart and from that heart
of yours grandeur awaits. For each of us
has potential – do something special! (584 Words)