A Change in June

By John W. Vander Velden
Danny dashes barefoot across
the meadow with a fishing pole upon his shoulder and shouts, "No more
homework, no more books, no more teacher's...” Miss Elderbrock had been nice,
he couldn't say she ever gave a dirty look. But it was June and Dan
expected the fish were biting...
He holds the vinyl clad document, a symbol of the years of hard work. Mark closes his eyes a moment as he draws a breath, the afternoon but a blur. The ink signatures symbols of maturity, high school behind and the world at his feet. Surely the diploma, a sign that he was a man though his parent's would disagree. College just a few months away, his life was finally beginning.
Melody slides her fingers across the satin smooth white fabric of the gown that hung on her closet door. When Alex first sees her in this dress she hopes it will take his breath away. But now as she touches the silky fabric her mind swirls with a mix of emotions, anticipation, fear, and self-doubt. Melody understood the long white dress a symbol of a sheer point, when everything in her life will change. She hears the clock in her parent's parlor downstairs announce one day's end and another's beginning. This would be the day, this June day, when her new life would begin.
As she smooth’s out a blouse in the nearly packed suitcase, Emily’s head seemed filled to bursting, images of all the events that had brought her to this day flashed in her mind, the years of classes at the university, the all night study sessions, and the job interviews. The roar of the lawnmower spilling in through the window returns her to the here and now. Emily's father always seemed to be extra busy on days like these. Moving to the window, she looked out and down as he crossed the yard yet another time, pushing with all his might. Catching a glimpse of her car that stood waiting and ready in the driveway made her pause. She had seen the pride in her parent's eyes, but being the first of the family to earn a degree, she knew they could not understand what she faced...exactly. Soon the car loaded to the hearth, would take her away, beginning the cross country journey to the west coast to a new home and career.
He holds the vinyl clad document, a symbol of the years of hard work. Mark closes his eyes a moment as he draws a breath, the afternoon but a blur. The ink signatures symbols of maturity, high school behind and the world at his feet. Surely the diploma, a sign that he was a man though his parent's would disagree. College just a few months away, his life was finally beginning.
Melody slides her fingers across the satin smooth white fabric of the gown that hung on her closet door. When Alex first sees her in this dress she hopes it will take his breath away. But now as she touches the silky fabric her mind swirls with a mix of emotions, anticipation, fear, and self-doubt. Melody understood the long white dress a symbol of a sheer point, when everything in her life will change. She hears the clock in her parent's parlor downstairs announce one day's end and another's beginning. This would be the day, this June day, when her new life would begin.
As she smooth’s out a blouse in the nearly packed suitcase, Emily’s head seemed filled to bursting, images of all the events that had brought her to this day flashed in her mind, the years of classes at the university, the all night study sessions, and the job interviews. The roar of the lawnmower spilling in through the window returns her to the here and now. Emily's father always seemed to be extra busy on days like these. Moving to the window, she looked out and down as he crossed the yard yet another time, pushing with all his might. Catching a glimpse of her car that stood waiting and ready in the driveway made her pause. She had seen the pride in her parent's eyes, but being the first of the family to earn a degree, she knew they could not understand what she faced...exactly. Soon the car loaded to the hearth, would take her away, beginning the cross country journey to the west coast to a new home and career.
Life is about changes, those
that come unexpected and others… It
seems that June is filled with thirty busy days that include moments when our
lives move to new places and experiences.
(430 Words) 6-25-2015