Days and Thursdays…
John W. Vander Velden

has become an important task in my life. I suppose that years ago it was
unimaginable that I would spend the thousands of hours tapping away letters
into words, words into sentences, sentences into stories. But even now as I
plan to change the oil in the trusty PT I find myself putting this rambling
Rainy days set my mind ta thinkin’. We’ve had
a powerful lot of rainy days this year. I guess I’m still not completely thunk
out. But the fact is, and I know it better than anyone else, I’m way past the
middle of my years. And though I have so much I hope to accomplish, I really
shouldn’t be typing right now but doing some of it. I understand that I likely
won’t do all the things I hope to do. Sometimes that bothers me, it bothers me
a lot. Sorry Mrs. Lambert. She told us that the only use for “a lot” was a plot
of ground needed to build a house. But that being neither here or there. I
understand that the time God will allot me to do the things I want to do is not
infinite. And even if it were I’d probably just think up an infinite number of
things to add to my list.
I should make a list based on priorities. To get done, my “bucket list” first.
Sounds efficient. But others keep throwing sticks in my spokes, adding
obligations and such. Then are the unexpected things, repairs, emergencies, and
of course heath issues that pop up like the head of a “whack a mole” demanding
immediate action. Fix a gutter, wham, get the tire fixed, wham, repair a door, wham,
go to a meeting, wham, wham, wham, and my to dos end up being not quite done or
worse, not even started.
the machine down John, you have oil to change.
it’s raining.
garage is dry.
it’s still raining.
need to get the oil changed and then work on the revisions.
OK...but it is a rainy day...hmmmm.
are things to do and I best be at it, so I’m shutting down the old Gateway and
going out into the rain on this Thursday morning…
Words) 6-13-2019