November 30, 2019
Hello friends,
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and you and yours
are getting excited about
Christmas. The year is nearing its conclusion, the decade too for that matter. For Christmas is a really big deal, and I hope the real reason for the celebration doesn’t get swallowed by the hype. Have a great Christmas this year.
I’ve held back this issue of Open Spaces until I could announce the release of Elizabeth’s Journey. And the news is
Some of you have been waiting for the Misty Creek story to continue. Well, the
sequel is LIVE. What does that mean? For one thing if you’re an EBook reader,
it’s available NOW. If you prefer the hold in your hand print it should be on
Amazon’s and Barnes and Noble’s site by mid-week.
The drawing for the Elizabeth’s Journey pre-release book giveaway was this morning.
Yes, I got up early. First I want to thank all of those that entered. The
excitement that you have shown as I have pushed to reach is this point is
The two winners are: Dennis Kelly of Indianapolis, IN,
and Laura Schrameyer of Marshall County, IN. Again I wish to thank all of you
for entering and Congratulation to the winners.
With the release of this new book I will begin to be
having Author’s Events. The first is scheduled for La D’zert Café, 203N.
Michigan Street, Plymouth, IN on December 21, 2019. If you’re in the area stop
by, we’re gonna have some fun.
If you know a place that might like to host an event
please let me know, I’m excited to get the word out.
As always, my friends I wish you blessings.