Friday, June 21, 2013

Mile Markers

Mile Markers

By John W. Vander Velden 


On occasion, we go on road trips.  No matter what our destination, there are mile markers along the way, with purpose straightforward, to aid in assessing a traveler’s progress.  But the pavement is not the only route traveled and road trips not our only journey.  For each person moves on a trek their whole life long, traveling upon an unmapped route with many twists, turns, unexpected bumps and perhaps a few breakdowns along the way.  Yet there are mile markers as we go, some quite obvious…like graduation…others more subtle…each important.  The young pay little heed as these sign boards whiz past.  Those who face certain mile markers, the effect quite different.  As the year count grows…while life’s pace continues to accelerate…not all approaching mile markers welcome…yet the journey continues.  Perhaps a moment found to glace back…to remember the markers in our wake.  Hopefully an understanding comes while we assess the place we find ourselves…an acceptance of who we have become…a recognition of accomplishments…a forgiveness of failures…as we look forward with courage knowing our life much more than mile markers.


(190 Words)

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