Friday, November 7, 2014

The Road

The Road            2-20-2014

By John W. Vander Velden

For each must walk the road, a route as unique as the individual.  As we travel on that journey, we will encounter forks and crossroads.  Each intersection a choice for us alone, a choice made but once, for there is no returning.  Wisdom does not always play in our choosing, and regret too often rears its head.  The route we choose shapes the travels we make.  Corrections possible, but they do not eliminate foolish wandering.  None pick the perfect path – for no one can see all the pits and potholes, rocks and boulders, hills and valleys that demand our crossing.  Take care when the road seems easy – the smooth way rarely best.  Yet build your strength when the road seems straight and flat, for none reach their destination on that highway alone.  The time comes to all when that energy saved will be needed while the climb is hard or the path veers left and right.  And endurance needed, for all must travel across barren wastes that lie between us and journey’s end.  Times we share the way.  Times we must strive on it seems alone.  For life gives us companions, whose travels join our route.  Some come and walk with us for many years, others but a moment, but in the end our road is our journey and the shared steps may not reach identical ends.  

For each must walk the road, a route as unique as the individual.  But the fortunate relies upon another’s strength when muscles fail.  Hope comes from the unseen – but not the unknown, for they have felt the intangible that never abandons.  They cannot know the obstacles that lie before but have confidence in their destination.  They find joy in the journey – the mountain’s climb difficult but the view at its summit breathtaking.  They realize each day its own reward.  Each challenges strengthen.  Each choice a lesson learned to aid the wanderer. 

For each must walk the road and travel a route unique.  But God has placed you upon your path – and He will not forsake you on your travels – at last guiding you safely home.

  (352 Words)    

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