November Wind
By John W. Vander Velden
The November wind sweeps
over the countryside. It passes through
the cropland setting the corn’s leaves to chattering. It moves through the trees, a whoosh in the
tall pines and tugs at the leaves overhead.
It whispers to the leaves. “Come
fly with me. Let me move you across the
sky, carry you to far places. You have
been held prisoner by the branch too long.”
The November wind sweeps
away the golden and scarlet leaves of the Maple. It lifts the yellow and brown leaves of the
Tulip. Beech and Cottonwood, Sycamore
and Birch, the leaves fly and fall, scurried about by the wind. But the Oak leaves answer the winds sultry
whispers, “Our task is not finished.
There is time enough to float and fly.
We will remain here high above the tumbled and tossed.”
But the November wind is
not satisfied, every leaf must submit to its power. No leaf, not Oak or Apple, escapes its
desire…its conquest. “Do not be foolish
noble leaves of the Oak. Your purpose is
completed. Join the joy of all the other
leaves. Sail the bright blue
heavens. Now dear friends…now is your
time. Why concern yourselves over a few
days…a few weeks? What has your mother
tree done for you?”
“We hear your voice, oh
wind, but we do not answer you today.
Duty calls and we answer gladly.
Cling we will until our final obligation supplied. We are Oak leaves and have no haste to join
the discarded you tempt and cast aside.”
The wind blows through
the trees. It tugs and tears at any leaf
that remain high above. Yet the Oak
defiant, holds its children. Their time
has not come…yet.
I feel a different wind
slide across my cheeks, whispering in my ears.
My November wind’s soft hushed tones speak to me. “You have labored long my friend. Set yourself free. Surely you have earned the right, paid your
dues. Sail away, leave care and obligation behind.”
I close my eyes and for a
moment fantasize of life painted by those thoughts. But I answer.
“I am bound willingly to love and duty, to place and purpose. Yes, my tasks continually change but not my
“Do you not see the
wrinkles and gray hairs in the mirror?
Have you forgotten the pain of worn joints or the ache of overworked
muscles?” The seductive voice calls.
“Harvest comes for all. You have
worked long and hard, now is your time.
Leave all demands behind and escape before it is too late.”
“Surely everyone days are
numbered,” I answer, “But I yet have some courage and strength, and others rely
upon me.”
“Tasks unfinished, there
will always be.” Comes the wind’s words.
“Even when you are dust there will be work undone. Time has come for a narrower view. You grow
weary. Think of yourself.”
“Life is more than self,”
I answer, “And love gives strength unsought and it never fails. When can love
of self be greater than love of others?”
“And who, friend, would
do as much for your?”
I grit my teeth and face
the wind. “There is no balance sheet…this for that. I do not labor for wages…or honor…. It is simply there is work before me and I
am…still…able to do it. I fear not the
task nor will I shirk the load. Too easy
to turn away, place my burdens at the feet of others. Too easy to turn inward and seek my own pleasures. No, time sufficient for empty hours of little
consequence. But for now I cling, for
many need me and I will not abandon.”
Yes, I hear the voice on
the November wind, but I will not surrender…yet.
(626 Words)
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