Friday, June 2, 2017




By John W. Vander Velden


I suspect that each of us wonder what other people think of us.  Not that it is any of our business.  Some might not care, but most, I think, would wish other people to like them.  It’s kinda’ natural, a herd mentality sorta’ thing.  You know, fit in, be accepted, and whatever else, not to stand out.  Trends come and trends go and if we chase trends, well, we are only chasing aren’t we.

Rather, I hope that most of us try to do the right thing.  Not that the right thing is always easy.  Not that the right thing will gain us fame or even acceptance.  But the right thing is the right thing…not that we always know what the right thing might be at any given time.  But the diligent attempt helps to shape us.  When we strive to do what we feel is right don’t we show a consistency to our actions, and a consistency, that in the end, reveals the metal from which we are made.

You see there are many followers, those that chase after people or trends, but there are few leaders.  Not that those that lead always stand out in ways the masses deem proper.  Not that they always stand out in ways that are good.  Rev. Dietrich Bonhoeffer might be a good example.  A pastor in Nazi Germany, he stood against the tide, the cruel insanity that controlled his country.  If you don’t know his story and don’t have the motivation to read it, there is a movie about him.  He is remembered for what he did, and his actions revealed his caliber.

I’m no Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  I do not have that much courage.  But I admire him and those like him that proved their caliber by their actions.  How will I be measured?  I suppose it is wrong for me to wonder.  Is it not enough that everyday I put my best foot forward?  Not because it might impress those that look on, but simply because it’s the right thing to do.  Should I not care about others…their feelings…their needs?  Should I not place others before myself?  That’s a tough one.  We live in a world that tells us to “watch out for number one”, let other guy take care of himself.  Hmmmm….  It just don’t sit right with me.

So I have decided to do what I can, when I can.  Not that it has been easy or will become easy.  But I believe that each person can make a difference…and that means me too.  And to make a difference takes effort.  It also takes sacrifice.  But it begins with caring…really caring.  To see the world through the eyes of others.  That ain’t easy either.  But if I try…really try.  Then no matter how others measure me, when at the end of the day I look in the mirror, I will see a man of caliber…

(490 Words)                   3-29-2017


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