Friday, January 26, 2018

Empty Spaces

Empty Spaces  

By John W. Vander Velden


In what is lost, something must be found. 

How can we endure, if piece by small piece
Things slip away from us, leaving but a void unfillable.
For in life there is the gathering and the losing.
It is the way of things. 

But when we lose what matters,
When love or hope or those precious that
Were once near are stolen,
It rips from us part of what we are.
Tosses aside a portion of our heart. 

It is then, we, the broken, need to seek
Though have no desire to do so.
It is then, by enduring, a bit of life seeps in.
A small piece that moves about the soul’s cavern.
A flicker of light within the dark
That wishes overpower us. 

Though pain remains, slowly, unnoticed, it fades.
Never gone, but at last manageable. 
So strength and courage grow,
And perhaps that is the greatest thing that we can find.
To help us endure….the empty spaces…

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