Saturday, August 1, 2020

Thinkin' About Love

Thinkin’ About Love                

By John W. Vander Velden


Some feel that love is simply an emotion. A feeling that people acquire that comes along and sometimes disappears.  Something intangible that may be driven by hormones. The fortunate, they say, are those who have that affection aimed at another that shares the same intensity of feelings. Love is an emotion...

Love is that but it is not ONLY that, at least not from my perspective. It’s OK to disagree with me, I’m no expert. I see love through a much wider lens. I am, presently, writing a standalone novel titled, “Severed Ties”. One of the threads that I have woven within that story is the cord of love. A binding that is more than a chosen feeling.

You see I know that GOD is love. The terms are not necessarily interchangeable but it is an important link of the concept of what GOD is in relation to HIS relation to us. One of my characters tells the primary character as they part for the last time, “God loves you (Mike) and no matter what or where you go you have that love.” Greg laid both palms on the faded roof of his car. “And one more thing. Love is a cord that is stronger than anything. It is a binding that cannot be broken by distance or circumstance.” 

You see, my character, Rev. Gregory Mainstay is trying to convince his new friend that love is more than an emotion. It is a force that binds everything together. But even after Michael, the main character, has been told those words, he is not ready to take the concept at its full value. No, he had been cut off from his family as a child. Death has taken most of those that helped raise him. Which to him is the ultimate separation. He questions his personal value, surely he is unlovable. He has been damaged by experiences of his youth, and those wounds have not fully healed.

Only the love he shares with his wife and their children seems the exception. Yet he feels that even those cords are frail and can fail him at any time.

How many of us feel as Mike? How many of us feel that we are unworthy...undeserving and that love’s fleeting connection is temporary? Probably most of us to one degree or another. And if love is only a feeling, then surely that feeling can pass to memory.

But I say love is more than just some emotional intangible. Love is an unexplainable force so grand and powerful that it binds EVERYTHING together. Love is the only thing that makes EVERYTHING worthwhile. Love can overcome adversity. And Love binds US all TOGETHER in ways we are unable to understand. Yes, Love is a cord that is stronger than anything. It is a binding that cannot be broken by distance or circumstance.” Even death is unable to destroy love’s connection.

Though love surrounds us, we must be open to it. I believe that hate doesn’t really exist. Hate is just the absence of love. Just as cold is the lack of heat, and darkness is the absence of light.

GOD is love!

And GOD can lift us, through love, to places higher and grander than our imaginings are able to create. GOD’s love can displace the emptiness of hate that resides in each of our hearts, as darkness is replaced by light.

Those are my thoughts about love and it drives me to try harder, see deeper, and care more. I hope God’s love pushes you forward as well...

 (605 Words) 7-30-2020



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