Thursday, July 29, 2021

July Open Spaces


Open Spaces

Vol. 21.7

By John W. Vander Velden


July is when summer really starts cooking. Most of us would agree that THIS July has been hot. Well for the most part anyway. It has been wet too. When you mix summer, hot weather, and multiple rains, you get one of the seasons less favorite visitors―mosquitos.

Break out the repellant!

Yet such is summer time for us here in north central Indiana, and we do our best not to allow the buzzing beasts or the afternoon rains stop us from doing some of the things we love. Jackie and I are both fully vaccinated against COVID and so our world is broader than it was last July. Even so we have not allowed our guard down completely, recognizing that the situation remains in flux and could change drastically.

Even so it feels liberating to move about at near to the life we had taken for granted. It is our hope that you too have been able to accomplish some of the things that you could not last year. I look forward to visiting with dear friends and relations in the months ahead, as well as the ability to travel again.

Our trip in late May to early June reminded us that things have not completely returned to a pre COVID state. Many places were understaffed as they tried to “get back on their legs” again. I am optimistic they will, but understand it takes time to recover from such a debilitating pandemic.

Yet the Delta variant reminds us that we are yet haunted by the COVID virus, so we still take care. Yes, our masks are often in our pockets, handy when needed. Washing hands and avoiding crowds ingrained into our behavior. As is using hand sanitizer. Things are better, much better, but it’s not completely better.

But because things in the pandemic department have improved so much, I wish you a happy summer and a healthy one as well for you and your family.

Now for a bit of writing news.

I had the vain expectation in finishing part three early next month. However I have had to do some back pedaling. I felt the need to insert a new scene, one I thought was important near the middle of that section of the book. That scene inspired other changes. A few lines here, a page there, you get the point. But I am moving onward friends.

So I come to the last portion of this newsletter. With all the hectic-ness of our world, especially during the summer, I hope you find a few moments of calm. And when you enter that quiet place, even if you must force yourself to do so, look around you at the wonders God has given you, places, people, things to do, and of course love. May the God that grasps the universe hold you gently, guide your steps, and protect you until we can meet face to face.




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