By John W. Vander Velden
Then there are all the other places…other times. Times when room for my laptop, my only need. When chauffeuring my son I receive odd glances as I work… bowling alley perhaps or other places his activities have taken me. Times I find myself at a desk in an empty church…where ever…when ever…
It is not the location…or a specific location that seems to matter. For when I need to write I use tools at hand…note paper and pen…or keyboard….it matters not. Those times I leave this world, move into another. A universe gifted to me. Words on a screen or letters on paper all I see. My mind races forward…plot… character… scene…but mostly emotion. It is the story that controls. The story that comes out of the air it seems. The story alive and all around. I am part of something much larger, and when I truly find myself there…swallowed by the words…my clumsy fingers fly far too slowly. I am unreachable in my universe…and I might seem alone…but am not!
But if you question…if you must know what is the most important “space” this writer employs? Then I will simply remind that it all hinges upon a relatively inconsequential volume, best described as the part I cover with my stocking hat when the snow flies… ‘nough said!!!
(404 Words)
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