
By John W. Vander Velden
are those we watch most closely the ones that make the most mistakes? I
believe I watch myself closest of all – and -- I am certain that I make more
errors than most others. There is no
question about my perfection -- I'm not!
Maybe everyone thinks the same
thing...? That they are the most flawed
individual they know.
But if they think it -- I know it!!!
I once told a friend, "Everyone makes
mistakes -- nobody's perfect." He
told me that wasn't quite true because -- wait for it -- he was, perfect that
is. I'm not certain that my friend
really thought he was perfect, but he sounded quite convinced at the time.
I considered the statement arrogant, and if he
truly believed his words a bit delusional, but now I pity those that know so
little of themselves that they do not see their mistakes. Our mistakes make us human. Imperfection is the one thing all of us have
in common.
that does not mean we should just cave in -- give up -- blunder along not
caring what we do and who we hurt. By no
means -- looking at ourselves -- seeing our failings -- should first and
foremost open us to accept mistakes made by others. Then we should honestly consider how we can
move in directions of improvement.
Listen more perhaps. Consider
others and their feeling. Trying to be a
bit more patient, would certainly be a good thing. Be kind, first -- before kindness has been
given -- or when unkindness has been laid at our feet. These small things that may not come easily,
but move us forward to a slightly less imperfect place. No, I will never be perfect. Likely I will never be quite as good as most
others, but that doesn’t mean I should ever abandon the struggle as I move
forward – hopefully -- on a road whose destination will remain -- in this life
-- beyond my reach. The road toward
(338 Words) 9-8-2013
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