
All the same, I do not
see the harm in looking back. Events of my past have built the person I have
become. So I see that by looking
backward, at times, helps me understand the person I am. I find it difficult to be completely unbiased,
any time I remember things. It seems
that the memories that stand out at any given day are shaped by the mood I find
myself. When I am cheerful, memories of
happy moments, of puppies and baby chicks, of picnics and days spent on the
beach, and so much more come to mind.
Those days when my mood darkens, well, the past seems less pleasant,
failed examinations or endless sleepless nights, or painful injuries and
illness. My past like everyone’s is made
up of both happy and unhappy times. Too
easy to dwell on one or the other, but it is the whole that matters isn’t
it. And the whole, the good and the bad,
make me…me.
Looking back might be
necessary…at times, but I should not be so focused on what was, to become
unable to see what is. For though what
was is important…what is, is much more important. What was made me, but what I am will carry me
forward. The past is just that…THE PAST. It is unchangeable and should be studied
perhaps but must be left as it is…in the past.
Just as the now stands upon the days before, the future stands upon THE NOW.
So here in the middle of
autumn and as I face great changes in the coming months, I think about years
gone by. But though my mind considers
long ago, I look with anticipation toward the future…and more specifically my
future, and those that will share this next adventure with me. As I consider the stumbles in my wake I know
that missteps lie before me. But those
past fails did not stop my forward journey, and I am certain that future fails
will not end my progress. Yes, there is
a time for reminiscing as long as it doesn’t keep me from living. It hasn’t yet, and I don’t expect it will
(523 Words) 10-20-2016
Wistful, warm and winsome. As always, John.