We Are
By John W. Vander Velden

Each week I wonder if the
time I spend on my Blog should not be spent on other writing endeavors. But I have learned a great deal from this
weekly grind, and it doesn’t take as long to create a post as it once did. But what did I hope to accomplish by this
experiment? An internet presence… Whatever that might mean. But it is part of the “author’s”
requirements. Again whatever that means.
But writing a Blog is
only part of the program…promotion the other part. Social media helps there. But social media on its own won’t cut
it. The fact is I have to write
something that people will want to read.
I have to offer something that is worth the time to access and view, and
I have to offer it each week. That has
been the biggest part of this learning curve.
To determine what words might matter to my followers. It is a responsibility I take seriously.
So I beg your pardon as I
speak today about something as inconsequential as a blog. But it is a milestone of sorts, and I wish to
thank all of you for making it possible.
I thank those that come often, those that come rarely, those that have
come only once. I hope that you find
something worth your while…something uplifting…that is the ultimate purpose of
“Ramblings…Essays and Such”.
So after five years…here
we are…and time will tell where we go…
2-22-2017 (415
Congratulations, John. How I admire your commitment, your tenacity, your discipline. Those qualities are what separate a writer from a hobbyist. I am pleased to honor this milestone with you.