By John W. Vander Velden

The soft early morning slipping through the sheers of
his bedroom did not wake him. The soft
and quiet way his beloved left his side, did not wake him. Nor the sounds down the hall as she worked in
the kitchen. The aroma of fresh baking,
muffins, blueberry, that slowly filled the air did not wake him. It was the sounds of laughter…familiar
laughter…that drew him from deep slumber.
Rolling onto his left shoulder smiling as he listened
to gay voices, certain he had been allowed to lay too long. A luxury rarely his, blinking as his mind yet
foggy slowly grasped the new day’s beginnings.
The doorknob turned slowly, the latch clicked softly not two feet from
his face. Slowly the brown varnished
wood began to move. Joyous eyes and
smile peaked through the crack…the door’s slight opening. Bright and blue the eyes beneath the knob.
His daughter quiet, though a giggle came from behind. The door pulled shut firmly with a
squeal. Feet thumping down the hall and
Michael stifled a laugh as he remained, confident it
would not be the last of Josie’s shenanigans, and knowing little Billy would
not be excluded. It was not long. The knob jiggled a bit…a little one way then
the other. “Let me do it.” Came the
familiar sound, Josie’s voice, young yet assertive.
“No…I can…” Yet the latch remained resistant. Michael reached, opened the door
slightly. Two faces…small and smaller
pressed side by side peering in. Sharp
eyes, naughty they seemed, one set bright blue the other deep brown. “You awake daddy?” Billy’s eyes dancing, his voice tentative.
Josie pushing the door aside shouted over her
shoulder. “Daddy’s awake.” The children quickly climbed onto the bed
tickling their father. It was
1-29-2012 (302 Words)
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