Friday, July 18, 2014

Around and Back

Around and Back                             

By John W. Vander Velden


One Sunday as I left for Church, my neighbor’s beagle burst out of the brush on the other side of my road, dashed across my yard, running full speed, sniffing and yelping.  He ran a loop around my ash tree, then went full speed across my drive and the length of the yard before heading into the brush on the opposite side of the road some thirty yards west of where he had come.  I just shook my head.  The animal was, as I am told most beagles are, rabbit crazy.

When I returned some hours later, I got to witness the whole event again.  The coming out of the wild and woolly,  the high pace run, loop and all, the barking and sniffing, and the trek across my property to the exact point of departure as before.  Who knew how many times Charley had run the circuit, or if somewhere a bunny watched in amusement. 

Charley continued the pursuit of his prey, certain that he would capture the errant beast whose scent marked the way.  The dog had no doubt – not in the least – that he remained “hot on the trail”, as around and back he continued.  I suspect that the rabbit, fortunately, had slipped aside and one over confident beagle raced passed and onward – again…

We find humor in the actions of a beagle named Charley.  But there is something to be learned about ourselves from the dog.  We like Charley, do not realize that we race down the same road again, as we hurry toward some goal or joy just beyond our reach.  We feel certain that we will capture that which we pursue.  So intent are we upon that quest, it goes unnoticed that we have gone around and back – perhaps several times.  And like Charley only abandon the chase when exhaustion or frustration overcome our desire.

I believe we should chase our dreams – just as Charley might chase his rabbit.  But I think we should do so with intelligence, and not just run headlong after a slowly fading scent.  That dreams require full engagement, if there is any hope that they might be reached, but that engagement does not mean to be blind to the fact that “you have been here” before!

There are times we all act a little like Charley.  At least he hadn’t given up on his dream – and neither should we.  I am certain that many times I have gone around and back – and around again!  Perhaps I still am….

(419 Words)

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