In the Wind
By John W. Vander Velden
In the passing night
hours I listened to the wind that shook our home. My mind was filled with many memories of past
storms, particularly the one that had shredded the trees in our yard last
year. The wind reminded me of nature’s
power, a power often unnoticed until…
But all around us the grand force of nature exists. I love the energy of the sea, and feel the
power of wind and waves each time I am fortunate to walk the shoreline. I watch as the tide pushes the water higher
and higher up the beach and understand that it takes great power to move the
oceans. In Alaska I witnessed the always
moving blue ice of the glaciers, and felt the earth tremble. I have driven among the grand Rocky Mountains
in the South West. I hope one day to see
Yellowstone the forests and the geysers.
I understand the power within a volcano, the heat of earth’s heart
All around are the
reminders of the mighty strong hand of nature, and to me the reminders of the
One who made it all. For God created the
mountains, the seas. He made the deep
forest and the tumbling waters of the waterfalls. He brings the new sprouts of spring and
colors the leaves in autumn. He caresses
with the gentle rain and soft breeze.
But last night I heard Him In the wind.
(236 Words)
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