Sunday, February 7, 2016



By John W. Vander Velden                          


Does it not seem, that often only the swift honored?  The fastest runners, the fastest drivers…the fastest!  We cheer from the stands the fast, the strong.  There is no harm…but what of the others?  Those that try and try, those certain fame, honor and victory beyond grasp, but never beyond their dream.  Have we, by honoring some, overlooked others?  Oh, there can be but one winner!  And “to the victor go the spoils”.  So true!  Often those that reach that lofty goal have only achieved success through hours upon hours of invisible work.  Certainly they deserve applause…their moment of fame.  Yet, I honor those that never give up, those that strive unseen day following day, determination their only fuel.  For they pursue dreams unknown to others, chasing accomplishments which only they value. There is a need for persistence, the dogged continuous drive toward what others insist beyond reach.  Perhaps no cheering stands await those persistent…the courageous…the determined…those which failure not an option…those that endure!  Placing one foot before the other, often facing challenges few know, putting blood and sweat on the line, as blending into the masses, unnoticed.  For those that each day brings challenges most difficult.  For those that face hardships we could never imagine.  For those ignored…looked down upon…spat on…and belittled.  For those that never give up…though weary…often disheartened.  For those survival their greatest victory, are there no accolades?  Perhaps the world does not notice, but I believe God places great value on…endurance!


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