Friday, February 26, 2016

Shouting Into the Void

Shouting Into the Void

By John W. Vander Velden


In a few days, this blog will reach an anniversary.  Each week for four years I have posted.  That's 208 essays, micro stories, excerpts, and brief bits of our travels.  Four years.

Many times I can't help but wonder if these "Ramblings" really reach anyone.  Days when it feels as if I am standing on a hill in a large pasture at midnight shouting out to the darkness, shouting out to the stars, shouting into the void.

I check my blogs statistics.  I see the number of page views that slowly grow.  I see the names of countries across the globe, the places people live, the places people access my feeble words.  These things should bring me satisfaction.  Reinforce my resolve to continue.  Yet I wonder, often, does my words really mean anything, or are they but mumblings of a fool.

I had selfish goals when I began this experiment on March 1st 2012, to build a following, an audience.  I was told a writer needs an internet presence, and blogging was a way to generate that presence.  I knew nothing of blogging at the time.  I’d only read a few.  But I decided that if I would blog it would require a commitment…six months minimum.  I had twenty posts written before I posted the first…that’s four months’ worth.  Like I said commitment.

The work required has always made me wonder if it was the best way to spend my “writing time”.  And taken on the surface, the hours required for each week’s post would seem to be better spent on other projects.  But with the passing of time my opinion has changed…some.  Though I still hope to generate a following, it is no longer the reason I sweat over these short piece.  It is my hope that I have something to say…don’t we all…but more, to have something to say of relevance.

For those that have these years read this blog, whether weekly or at random intervals, I thank you.  But times I ask the question.  Do my words matter?  Do they mean anything at all?  Or am I simply shouting into the void.

(358 Words)                2-23-2016

1 comment:

  1. John, I think every aspiring writer feels the questions you articulate here. Me included. But you bring your wonderings a to a meaningful resolution here. You are discovering what you have to say in this space. And that is the best goal of all. In fact, that's the point of this pilgrimage in time we each share, I believe.

    So congratulations on four years of success in the struggle to make meaning. I admire your commitment and your resolve. I am proud to know you and look forward to more shared thoughts as food for the journey!
