Friday, May 27, 2016



By John W. Vander Velden


It stands at half-mast in the morning sun.  Stripes reminding of blood lost, of sacrifice given…and we remember. 

In a perfect world there would be no need, but the world, man has made, is less than flawless.  So much carried upon the shoulders of brave yet ordinary men and women…for they had parents…spouses…children…friends.  Names we may know…perhaps familiar faces.

Tears shed among the stones…reminders on a grassy field…and we remember.

Honor may be given, yet hearts shattered.  Lives forever altered by the absence of heroes.  Those that remain show brave faces, yet unable to hide trembling hands.  Words well-spoken does not replace the silence that fills their lives.  Generations pass and yet the price must be paid.  We pray the blood not spilled in vain.

Tomorrow the world, for most, may return to what seems normal.  But today let us not forget the cost…a high cost.  For freedom does not come without price and so much of what we take for granted has been paid by others.

The sun shines in a blue sky and the flag stands at half-mast…and we remember.

(191 Words)

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