Friday, March 2, 2018

Perhaps a Roar

Perhaps a Roar        

By John W. Vander Velden


The month begins like a lion we are told.  March, unlike any other month, arrives on winter’s tail.  A time of transition, the harshness of wintertime fading, the hint of warmer days to come.  Quickly the days grow, soon the sun’s appearance longer than its absence.  Yet the lion has not abandoned the throne, perhaps a roar remains to find us ill prepared.  The dark overcast skies…cold north winds…snowy days a temporary thing.  For perhaps the roar of winter can yet be heard, but frost and chill’s reign has neared its conclusion.  Winter is passing…new life of spring only weeks away, and the cold season’s harshness only increases spring’s joy.

Endings and beginnings…a lesson hard learned.  Times dark and troubling, roaring through our lives are not the whole of our existence.  Highs follow lows, light comes as certain as the sun’s rising.  Each must face the winter of our lives. Though, during the hardest of times, we may not believe that spring lies near at hand.  That pain, disappointment or sorrow will end and greater joy may come.  Perhaps a roar fills our ears…now…but the gentle lamb waits!

(195 Words)         2-28-2013

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