After Word After Word
By John W. Vander Velden
I have been asked how I
write a book...the process required. Perhaps I gave that person a simplistic
answer when I told him you just have to put one word after another. You see I
believe there is a difference between coming up with a story and writing a
book. Don’t get me wrong, writing a book, especially fiction, requires story
telling skills. Skills for developing a plot, and all the rest that is needed
to fill that plot, description of setting, and character as well. However
turning those concepts, that live only in my mind, into words on the page that
transmit what I’m thinking in a way my reader accepts is another matter entirely.
I love writing first
drafts. I love writing word after word after word and seeing where those words
lead me. I seldom know the ending before I get there. But no matter how I might
love my original draft, “it is a long way to Tipperary”, and being publishing
ready. There is revisions, and sending revised draft off to my editor. Hi
Kristina. And the revisions to follow. But in the end it is writing word after
word after word.
When I look at the
mountain of work writing a book requires, I ask myself, “why?” Why go to all
the trouble to complete a task that probably won’t pay for its cost, let alone reward
me for my effort? The truth, the absolute truth is. I write because I must.
Because the stories come as un-thieves, break into my mind and leave their
treasures behind. Those non-burglars demand I do my best to fill in the
blanks...word after word after word.
It is my only hope that
when I am finally through stringing words, like beads on a thread, that the
result is good enough, that I
do not fail the quiet voice within me that gives me a story...word after word
after word. (324 Words) 3-2-2019
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