Thinkin’ About….Christmas
By John W. Vander Velden

So what does the holiday
mean to you? There are the gifts, and
meals, and of course Ho, Ho, Ho, in the red suit. There is family and friends, and people, well
most people, seem just a little more cheerful.
Charities get a boost in December as well. All these things are good. But what does Christmas mean to you? That’s what I asked when I opened this
paragraph, and it is what really what matters, don’t you think. Each of us brings something different to the
table when it come to the holidays, and it is the blend of all these
differences that make the holidays special.
I listed some of the
things that come to mind around Christmas time.
Certainly there are other things as well. And each of them is good…good on their own
merit. But they are not really the
center of the season. Most are “side
effects” from what Christmas is. You
know where I’m going, and we’ll get there later. For all the stuff that we tie to
Christmas…all the obligations…all the purchases…all the drama…all the
everything, can cloud what Christmas really means, what Christmas is really
about. We get so overwhelmed we don’t
take the time to just think about Christmas…the real, cold no room at the hotel
child in a manger, Christmas. And even
that is only part of the magnificent story.
I am always reminded of the tale Paul Harvey told each December, “The
Story of the Birds”. I remember hearing
it year after year and each time the message rang so true. You see the old man attempted to save the
birds but couldn’t. No matter how he
tried he could not convince them that to go into the barn and survive the
winter storm. I loved the story though I
had heard it many times and knew the powerful line that revealed its
meaning…”If only I was a bird, I could show them the way…”
That’s Christmas. God chose to send his Son to become one of
us…to show us the way. You see all those
other “side effects” are good things, when we tie them to the real source. But we cannot let them get in the way of
“Christmas”. For at its core Christmas
is about love…”for God so loved the world he sent his Son”…to save us. God loves you, God loves me…and we should
love each other. When we really get to
the center of it, that’s all there is to Christmas…and there’s nothing more to
think about.
(496 Words) 12-18-2016
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