Beginnings and Endings
By John W. Vander Velden

my life I have had many chances to see the sun’s rising and sets. The windows of the milking parlor faced east
so there were very few mornings when the sun’s advent went unnoticed. However for the same reasons I needed to make
the effort to, on most occasions, see the sun depart from the western sky. As a photographer I need to understand
light. Sunsets are different than
sunrises. The sky is cooler in the
morning and the colors tend to be as well.
long days taught me more than the color of the fading sky. It taught me about beginnings and
endings. People are mortal beings. We are born and die. Beginnings and endings seem so much of our
lives. We measure days, weeks, month,
and years. Arbitrary slices of this
thing we call time. Time matters to us…excessively.
so throughout our lives, we deal with beginnings and endings. Our first day at kindergarten to our final
graduation. The first day at our first
real job until retirement. The first kiss to our tearful parting. Each thing
has its beginning…and its ending.
Thoughts about endings make us morbid.
We place too much emphasis on the beginning and the ending, that we
forget all the between. Yes, the light
of day begins with the sun’s rising and ends when the orb sinks below the
horizon…but it is the in-between…all the hours, minutes, moments of life that
matter. The sun’s advent and departure
might be sights to behold, but make up such a small part of the day. Is it not the same with all things? Captivated by fresh new beginnings we
overlook the miracles in each moment.
Fearful of endings, we can stagnate unable to see the joy that surrounds
us…now. Yes, life is filled with
beginnings and endings, but it is the grand in-betweens in which we live.
I see another lesson, hard learned. The
sunset ends the daylight portion of the day… but the day goes on. We have picked midnight for the instant of
one day’s end and the next one’s beginning.
But in truth time flows along from dark to light to dark again. Much like a stream of water. The day does not truly end, it’s just the way
we keep track. So I take you back to the
beginning of this post, or near the beginning in any case…to our
mortality. I have no doubt that my ability
to breathe does not, exclusively, frame my existence. I am certain that I was alive before February
8th 1952, my birthday. I have confidence
that I will live long after my heart pumps its last beat. Endings are not always…endings. Most times they are gateways to something
different, maybe something better…maybe lots better.
So I
should take hold of each day, with gratitude, and live it. That I do what I can to help others…at this
moment. To be kind. To try to understand. To be someone’s friend. To share the love I have been given. To be patient, as much as I’m able. To look forward to new opportunities that
will certainly come along. To recognize
that change is not the enemy. To be
fully engaged in life…each and every moment of it. And to care…really care.
should not dwell upon all the beginnings I have seen…but I probably will. Kinda’ human don’t you think? But as I draw a breath and look forward to
all the things that lie ahead…I do not fear.
For life is filled with beginnings…and endings…and beginnings again…
Words) 7-26-2016
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