Saturday, May 30, 2015



By John W. Vander Velden


May can sneak up on a guy.  Here we are endlessly mowing our yards even before we have properly put the snow shovels away.   As a farmer, May has its own hectic significance.  You would think that as I enter my 46th season a rhythm would exist...well yes and no.  Yes, there is a constant sequence of tasks, but things never go as planned.

But everyone faces a bit of insanity as the year marches on, and May certainly is not exempt, for even as the days grow longer, our "to do" list swell.  Flower beds need preparation, the gutters must be cleaned, again.  We gather up hundreds of sticks and twigs that decorate the lawn. Winter's grime needs to be removed from our windows, the grass is always too tall, and the dust bunnies have been breeding like rabbits.

And if all the regular thing were not enough, there are those special events that seem to pop up.  The last 78 things to plan for a June wedding or completing the details of a grad party...been there, done that...hmmmph.  A guy can get tired just thinkin' 'bout it.

Summer is coming and there is just so much to do.  It seems too often we are just “chasing our tail”, as each day we race after unending obligations while reaching toward opportunities we watch slipping away.  Whoa…take a breath…and another.  The world roars on whether we have dandelions in our yard or not.  Time to balance things, or at least prioritize.  Attack the things that need to be done, but allow yourself a bit of time for the things you enjoy doing.  Take care of today…it has plenty…rather than focusing on tomorrow and the days after.  When you reach day’s end, look back at what you have accomplished, trying not to dwell on the unfinished. 

It’s May and though we find ourselves busy it offers the special days of full spring.  We cannot allow “things to be done” to overshadow the damp freshness of the world that surrounds us, or let the roar of the lawnmower mask the Robin’s call.  Find ourselves so focused on errant weeds that we cannot see the flowers that bloom in red, blue and yellow, or to permit the odor of cleaning solution to separate us from the fresh scent of the lilacs. Yes, there is so much to do, but it’s oh my…May, and May is a wonderful time!

(405 Words)

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